welcome to prema yoga

- yoga in solna, sundbyberg, stockholm & online

warmly welcome to prema yoga. we offer classesworkshopstrainingsspecialclassespersonal yoga/trainingsound massage. keep an eye on our site which continuously will be updated with classes & event. 


restorative & sound

the popular special class is back again in march! restorative yoga to the sound of singing bowls, toning & mantra. register your interest via email as a new booking system is under construction.
sunday 2/3 10:30-13:00, SEK550.

embodied flow™ online

once a month we offer an embodied flow™ class online starting Friday, February 28th, 5:30 PM-6:30 PM. You can buy single passes (SEK175) or a clip card for online classes. you sign up through the schedule.

restorative drop in

thursday, january 9th and mondays from January 13th - 27th we offer restorative yoga 6:00-7:15pm. find balance with longer rest with the support of pillows and blankets. send me an email to sign up, SEK250.

white heart lying in the grass


our intention is that no matter what class or session you book, you can come just as you are, take a break, breathe, move, rest, meditate, converse, heal, express, develop, grow, all at your own pace whatever is needed right now. 

our services


we offer drop-in classes both on site and online. In-depth classes, workshops, private yoga, corporate yoga & teachers training.

private yoga

individual sessions that can be an introduction to yoga, deepening in positions, strength, reducing stress levels and/or mobility.

personal training

 we plan the training based on your goals & life situation. get started with training after a break, learn to lift a barbell, etc.


sound massage

sound massage according to the Peter Hess method is a stress-reducing treatment where bowls are placed on the body,



brunnsgatan 4a, 17268 sundbyberg



open before § after our classes & workshops!

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welcome to prema yoga!

yoga in sundbyberg & online!